2025 Submissions

The Top 10 Words for December have been published on the “2024 Submissions” tab, along with notification of arrangements for voting for the 2024 Top 10.

Submit new words using the “Submit Words” tab in the banner.  Compliments, brickbats, feedback and requests to be put on the Monthly Top 10 voting list are always welcomed at  wordplay@ptitude.com

New WordOriginal WordDefinition - Clever is Better !Contributor
DwelthDweltFormerly resided in a money-pitDoug Langmead
PorkulentCorpulentBeing a porkerJeremy Jenkins
ZoologicallZoologicalBow-wow, bellow, meow, quack, roar, coo, and squeakWill Caplinger
Ab flab Ab fab When you stop working outGeorge Valenta
Cowbra udderwear Cobra underwear Lingerie tradeGeorge Valenta
TrystworthyTrustworthyDependable loverWill Caplinger
HeleaguerBeleaguerOne who literally brings "hell" to another through harassment and other mayhem.Carole Marantz
GuzzlementPuzzlementNot understanding that you have had too much to drink.John Frederickson
TexculpateExculpateIncessant vindication via cell phone communication.Carole Marantz
CavaliarCavalierDisplays no interest nor concern in the absolute truth.Carole Marantz
DambientAmbientThe pervasive desired evolution in our country to allow Autocracy to replace Democracy will not and cannot be tolerated.Carole Marantz
ScleroticaScleroticMusic, art or literature that inflames your passions, but hardens your heartDoug Langmead
CilterKilterOut of cilter - not finding something where you expected it to beDoug Langmead
BarerunBarrenAnother way to disrupt major sporting eventsWill Caplinger
InconsoldableInconsolableBuyer’s remorseWill Caplinger


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